Fiction, Short Stories

Stick It to the Man

This post is part of Writer’s Digest February Flash Fiction Challenge.  Flash Fiction is a short, often under 1,000 words, style of writing.  I hope you enjoy my 28 contributions!
Day 6 Prompt: Absurdist Fiction

Adam peeked into Megan’s office, knocking on the half-opened door.  She jumped at the unexpected sound, her mind complete mush after staring at the same Excel sheet for the past three hours.  Uncomfortably surprised by Adam’s presence, she forced a laugh and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Thought I would surprise you!  Let’s get some dinner.  My treat.”

Adam and Megan had only been dating a few weeks and the more Megan learned about him, the less interested she became in getting to know him more.  Megan was a junior accountant at PWC, making good money, and working towards a promotion while Adam was, well, a day trader and a video game beta tester.

“I’ve still got a few things I need to finish up here, so maybe a raincheck?”

“Are you really saying no to The Villa?”

Megan was tempted, The Villa was the newest and hottest place in the city and it was nearly impossible to get reservations.  She looked at her computer, then at the clock, then finally at Adam.  “Your treat?”

“Hi, yes, I have a reservation under Adam Greene for 8pm.”  As the host searched through the reservation book, Adam looked back at Megan and winked.  She responded with an unconvincing chuckle.

“Right this way, Mr. Greene.”

They followed the host through the pristinely decorated restaurant.  On either side of them were tables with heavy white tablecloths topped with geometrically cut crystal glasses and hand-painted porcelain dinnerware, illuminated by dim overhead lamps.  Adam whispered to Megan, “Get a load of these yuppies.”

Repulsed, Megan took her seat across from Adam, who winked at her again, before glancing around at the tables around them.  He rolled his eyes and scoffed as he observed the other diners.  He commented on their dish choices, their outfits, and their demeanor.  “I bet he hired her for the night.  There’s no way a woman like that would be here with an old geezer like him.”

Attempting to change the subject, Megan asked Adam how work was going.  “Excellent.  Derek’s hooked me up with a couple game developers, so I should be getting some big projects soon.  He says they’ve seen my work and are really impressed, so, you know,” he ran his pudgy hand through his greasy hair, “it’s exhausting, honestly.”

Megan, thinking about the ten-hour day she just had, remembered hearing the same update from Adam a couple weeks ago.  Without looking at Adam, she said, “That’s great!”  Hoping that her inflection didn’t sound too sarcastic, she kept her eyes aimed down at the menu, scanning the gourmet dishes, wondering how Adam was going to afford the bill.

“Yeah, it makes sense, though.  No one else really understands the intricacies of game play like I do.”  Adam glanced around again, then fixated on a couple sitting a couple tables away.  “Take that guy,” he said a little too loudly.  He was motioning towards a well-dressed man with a sparkling Rolex watch cutting into a too expensive steak. “You think he knows anything about Sony’s augmented reality platform that’s currently being developed?”  He scoffed again, waving his hand dismissively.  “My guess is that he doesn’t…”

Megan didn’t acknowledge Adam’s rant, instead asking if he was ready to order.  When their food arrived, Megan took a bite of her chicken, relishing the rich, buttery flavors.   Adam, however, took a bite of his steak and proceeded to make an array of noises that immediately annoyed Megan.  After a couple minutes of his irritating display, he said loud enough for the table next to them to hear, “definitely not my favorite.”  Megan immediately brought her free hand to her forehead, hiding herself from the disgusted stares from the surrounding tables, while she continued to eat her chicken as quickly as possible.

“You’d think a place like this would have known how to cook a steak, let alone season it appropriately,” Adam said as he washed down his final bite with the last of his wine.

“Mine was delicious…” Megan retorted, mostly in an attempt to spite Adam.

He looked at her and smiled, “You clearly don’t know good food.”

Seething, Megan waived down their waiter and asked for the check.  He put the leather receipt holder in the center of the table and she immediately reached for it, desperate to end this miserable evening.  Before she could, however, Adam reached out and snatched the bill, again exclaiming, “I told you, this one’s on me!”

Megan sat back in her chair and folded her arms, avoiding making eye contact with Adam.  He pulled out his wallet and threw his card into the receipt holder, then announced he needed to use the restroom.  As he stood up, he asked Megan if she was done with her water, to which she simply nodded in silence.  “Thanks!” he said as he picked up the glass.

He dribbled half the glass of water on the floor, set the glass back down on the table then said, “I’ll be right back!”  He took a step forward and yelled out as his foot slipped on the now wet tile.  Megan watched in horror as he fell, grabbing onto their tablecloth as he hit the floor.  She screamed in shock as their dishes hit the floor, a sharp explosion of shattering glasses echoing throughout the restaurant.  Adam laid on the floor moaning as their waiter ran over, asking if he was alright.  Megan simply stared down at Adam, covering her shocked expression with both of her hands.

As they walked out of the restaurant a short time later, their bill covered with profuse apologies for the reckless wet tile, Adam looked over at Megan and winked, “Those yuppies didn’t even see it coming.”

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